Pastor #DameyonMassey gay SEXTAPE leaks! He repents! [NSFW VID]

It seems like these pastors are out here living FOUL!!!

Pastor Dameyon Massey is the latest ‘minister’ to have a GAY SEX TRYST caught on TAPE!

You get the gist…

According to the Black Preaching Network, Dameyon Massey is a senior pastor at the Divine Glory Kingdom Temple International Ministries.

Recently, The North Carolina Beat revealed that Bryant Johnson II, a former member of the The Remnant Church Outreach Ministries got intimate with Dameyon Massey. Text messages between the two showed that the two planned to engage in s*xual intercourse. However, when and where it took place remains unknown.

Johnson alleged that Massey is married to Roderick Jones. However, The North Carolina Beat was unable to find an official marriage license of the two. He also claimed that he was in a ‘friends with benefits’ relationship with the pastor.

Text messages showed the pastor telling Johnson – “I’ll be there in like 20 minutes make sure that a*s and d*ck is ready.”

Text messages sent between the pastor and the former church member (Image via The North Carolina Beat)

He has since repented.

Later he addressed the scandal in a video message where he took accountability for his actions. Massey said:

“I messed up. This has been a really hard few days but I struggled. And the struggle didn’t just begin. The struggle has been a struggle… other people will paint a picture of you to be the worst person in the world because of a failure. I want to take my responsibility. That’s my public statement.”

Dameyon Massey also claimed that he wanted to “take off” his “title.” However, it remains uncertain if he is resigning from his position.

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